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Wednesday, August 3, 2011


     I returned from vacation to find in my mail a notice that my primary care doctor has moved on to greener pastures. Now, I am aware, that probably I had nothing to do with this, but, this is the third doctor to leave me in a year.

     Last year when I got back from vacation, I had a notice that my pc had left for another position in the same hospital.

    Found a new one.

    Then it was time to get my after-surgery check up. Yep. He left for a job in Pennsylvania.

    Maybe doctors don't like me.

    Have found another doctor. We will see.


  1. Sorry to hear you're having a tough time with doctors, sometimes things happen for the best though.

  2. Another doctor hit the road? Oh boy!!!! What in the world?!!

    Hope you like your new one even better than the old =)

    It was SO nice talking to you yesterday. Thank you for your encouragement.

    Love you Auntie ~~ Dawn
