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Friday, April 18, 2014



Sounds like a quiet singing group. Or a silent attitude.

It has nothing to do with music.

It does have something to do with attitude. The dictionary says is calmness. Which comes from an attitude of quiet.

I love the idea of quietude. Quietness times many. I like watching people who are quiet. Not the ones that are just refraining from noise, but those who have a calmness in their demeanor. I admire them.

I often feel like a bull in a china shop. Running into and over things to get to the spot I need to be in. Whether is my place in the bell choir or my pew in church. I try to be quiet, and usually don't make an inordinate amount of noise, but there are some who just move in quiet moments and bring them with them.

Quietude. Being still. Being calm.

My favorite Bible verse, among many, is " Be still and know that I am God."

Here is to some quietude for all of us as we contemplate what Easter really means.


  1. Lovely. I'm enjoying quietude as we speak with a short break to read about it here. Thank you.

  2. I feel calmer just reading your words, Stella.
