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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Z is for Zelda

Zelda shopped yesterday for a xylophone. It was for her weird Uncle Verge. That is the strangest spelling for his name, but so is he. He rules her universe. When he asks for something, Zelda sees that he gets it, even if she has to go through thirty turnstiles to get it.
After a day with Uncle Verge, she needs to be still and rest. A lot.
Today the quest is for people Uncle Verge loves. The one he loves the is coming to see him. It will put him over the rainbow.
Notation to self: keep the people you love happy.
She didn't know what she needed to put into motion to make his dreams come true, but she thought she might need some lotion to grease the wheels of some to come to him. Her knowledge of his past and the ones he loved proved to be what was needed to get some to join them. It took doing to change the inertia of some of the loved ones.
Hereafter, she will look twice before leaping.
She hoped that Uncle Verge's gratitude would make for fun, faith and frivolities for everyone there. She wanted them to enjoy some dancing in the dark.
The changes on Uncle Verge, when he saw everyone there, was a beauty to behold.
And, no, she did not have to yell, " April Fool's" because it wasn't. It was the last day of April and not the first.
 I hope with my little story, I have kept all of my April posts in your mind. I also hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have.

Image result for Zelda
Here is to Zelda. Growing mature with grace and beauty.


  1. What a clever recap of the challenge. Congratulations on surviving A to Z.

  2. Hello there.
    Congratulations on surviving the challenge! I didn't get to visit your blog during the crazy month of April so I'm popping over today from the Road Trip.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess
